Letters to Heaven

I thought I’d like to try something new.  I wanted to see if any of you out there wish you could still communicate with lost loved ones.  No I‘m not a medium!  I was just thinking myself how I would like to write down in letter form things I wish I could say to my mom or my dad that I can’t.   For me sometimes writing something down is a way for getting things out of me that have been trapped hanging around in my head occupying valuable space of my brain and memory.  This was originally discovered when I started writing to do lists and grocery lists.  I found that I became a teensy bit sharper at other things I would need to do if I got those things off my mind by putting out on paper or like in this case on the computer.

Most of the time the things I miss mostly about not having my parents around is sharing ordinary events with them:  first day of school, awards ceremonies, recitals, a new funny word one of the kids made up, a new flower that is growing in my yard that I haven’t killed yet, and so on and so on.

So I invite all of you if you would like to log away any letters to those people who decided to run up to heaven and get a good seat before you . . . send them a letter, give them a “shout out”, scribble a sentence, whatever you feel like you want to say (write) you go right ahead.  And may God bless and keep you all in peace and comfort as only our Heavenly Father can do. [contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" id="e8d07490-9165-45c3-84c0-9042932dbf03" class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark">/][contact-field label="Email" type="email" id="c31949eb-e232-4d0b-bdf9-0c3258e530d5" class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark">/][contact-field label="To Whom?" id="662d83c7-eb70-45ea-b0e9-cfd511920735" class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark">/][contact-field label="Would you like this post published <span id="f9936cf1-bcf5-4c81-9999-e4fd539c2f88" class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark">on line</span>?" id="c12ed54d-b885-40df-8e84-674a40ae77c1" class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark">/][contact-field label="Your letter would say. . . ." type="textarea" id="3b468820-0fa4-472c-8900-40cb42d86823" class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark">/][/contact-form]

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